Minggu, 23 November 2014

direct and indirect sentences

Direct Sentences

1. “Everything remembered and thought," he rightly points out, "everything conscious, becomes the pedestal, the frame, the base, the lock of his property. The period, the region, the craftsmanship, the former ownership for a true collector the whole background of an item adds up to a magic encyclopaedia whose quintessence is the fate of his object."

2. In a memorable passage in his magnificent essay, "Unpacking My Library: A Talk about Book Collecting", Walter Benjamin writes. "There is in the life of the collector a dialectical tension between the poles of disorder and order. Naturally, his existence is tied to many other things as well, to a very mysterious relationship to ownership also a relationship to objects which does not emphasise their functional utilitarian value - that is, their usefulness - but studies and loves them as the scene, the stage, of their fate."

Indirect senteces

1. “Everything was remembered and thought," he rightly pointed out, "everything was conscious, becomed the pedestal, the frame, the base, the lock of his property. The period, the region, the craftsmanship, the former ownership for a true collector the whole background of an item adds up to a magic encyclopaedia whose quintessence has been the fate of his object."

2. In a memorable passage in his magnificent essay, "Unpacking My Library: A Talk about Book Collecting", Walter Benjamin writes. "There was in the life of the collector a dialectical tension between the poles of disorder and order. Naturally, his existence had been tied to many other things as well, to a very mysterious relationship to ownership also a relationship to objects which did not emphasise their functional utilitarian value - that was, their usefulness - but studies and loves them as the scene, the stage, of their fate."

Minggu, 27 April 2014

Percakapan yang menggunakan istilah bisnis dalam Bahasa Inggris

Conversation that use some business terms
Mark               : Jona, How are you ?
Jona                : I’m fine mark. How about you ?
Mark               : I’m Good. What do you do this time ?
Jona                : I’m officer in one of the textile company in my city. And you ?
Mark               : I’m CEO in my company.
Jona                : What kind of your company ?
Mark               : I have mineral water company.
Jona                : It sounds good. did your company get the marketing target this year ?
Mark               :Yes. My company got the target. Although we had to do import some
   good last year. What about your company ? did it get the target ?
Jona                : Yes, but not good enough. My company had been failed once this year
   because high inflation that was happened in the country.
Mark               : It sounds terrible. So, what did your company do during that moment ?
Jona                : My company just stopped for production and waited until the condition 
   would be normal again. After the condition was good again, my
   company continue for production.
Mark               :It seems inflation is something scared by almost all of companies in the
   World. I don’t know what will happened to my company if the
   inflation increased.
Jona                :We just can hope everything will be fine for our future company. 
Mark               :I hope so.

Terjemahan kalimat yang menggunakan istilah bisnis dalam Bahasa Indonesia

1.    Perusahaan milik temanku bangkrut tahun lalu karena inflasi tinggi yang terjadi di negaranya.
2.   Kita memilki 10 ( sepuluh ) akuntan di sebuah perusahaan tekstil.
3.   Mark merupakan manajer di sebuah perusahaan televisi.
4.   Karena proses manajemen/pengelolaan yang dikerjakan dengan buruk/jelek, Perusahaan itu gagal untuk mencapai targetnya tahun ini.
5.   Banyak orang yang ingin menjadi pengusaha sekarang.
6.   Banyak karyawan yang diberikan pengarahan/penjelasan tentang teknik penjualan yang baik.
7.   Jona adalah seseorang yang memberikan pengarahan/penjelasan tentang teknik penjualan
8.   Pendapatan perusahaan itu naik secara signifikan tahun lalu.
9.   Target/tujuan dari suatu perusahaan tahun ini adalah untuk mencari/mendapatkan konsumen/pelanggan sebanyak-banyaknya.
10.Salah satu karyawan dari perusahaan itu memberi saran untuk mengimpor/mendatangkan barang dari luar negeri.

Terjemahan istilah bsinis dalam Bahasa Indonesia

1.     Bangkrupt ( bangkrut / gagalnya suatu perusahaan dalam menjalankan usahanya ).
2.    Absolute priority rule ( peraturan/kebijakan yang digunakan untuk menetapkan pembayaran kepada kreditor terlebih dahulu dari pada pemegang saham ketika suatu perusahaan akan mulai bangkrut ).
3.    Accountant ( akuntansi / seseorang yang bekerja sebagai akuntan ).
4.    Articles of incorporation ( anggaran dasar / dokumen-dokumen yang diwajibkan oleh peraturan perusahaan dan memperinci aturan bagi pengelolaan intern perusahaan ).
5.    Management ( cara yang dilakukan oleh suatu perusahaan untuk mengolah produksi mereka ).
6.    CEO ( Chief Exsecutife Officer ) ( sebuah jabatan tertinggi ).
7.    Affiliate marketing ( suatu teknik yang menjelaskan cara-cara menjual produk atau jasa agar mampu meningkatkan daya jual tinggi ).
8.    Affliate marketer ( orang yang bekerja dengan menawarkan maupun menjual produk atau jasa milik perusahaan lain dengan mendapatkan penawarankomisi bagi hasil ).
9.    Entrepreneur ( orang yang melakukan aktifitas wirausaha ( pengusaha ).
10. Social entrepreneur ( wirausaha yang dalam bisnisnya mengedepankan aspek sosial atau kepentingan sosial ). 
11. Balance sheet ( pernyataan atau neraca yang terperinci tentang saldo dalam suatu perusahaan ).
12. Consumer ( konsumen atau pelanggan yang membeli produk dan jasa dari suatu perusahaan tertentu ).
13. Distribution ( distrubusi atau penyebaran barang atau produk dari suatu perusahaan kepada konsumen ).
14. Import ( mengirim bahan, produk, atau jasa dari luar negeri ).
15. Export ( mengirim bahan, produk, atau jasa ke luar negeri ).
16. Income ( pendapatan dari suatu perusahaan ).

Selasa, 22 April 2014

Application Letter

Permata Indah, Jakarta

Mr David Crag
Director of international languange department

Date    : 15/04/2014

Dear Mr David
I’m writing to apply for the post of the english translator which l saw advertised in the march edition of the newspaper FGH Jobs. I feel l have the required qualifications. I have master degrees in english and translation. I have also worked intensively students in Indonesia, India, and Greece. Please find my enclosed CV.
Since my master’s program at the University of Gunadarma included psychology besides literature and translation. I have an in-depth understanding of the way young adults behave and the factors that affect their cognitive and psychological development. l have always been able to establish excellent working relationships with my students and their parents. In addition, l have travelled extensively and enjoy meeting with new people.
Should you be interested in my qualifications and experience as a translator, please do not  hesitant to contact me. I’m looking Forward to hearing from you and interview.

Yours sincerely

Giovanni Valerian